Management & Consulting
Management & Consulting Services
SPINEgroup® offers customized clinical and performance based solutions for Long Term Care, Home Care and Assisted Living. We are committed to developing innovative and effective solutions to improve your resident and staff well-being without compromising budgets.
Services we provide include:
- Program and policy development including clinical management for underserviced sectors of provincial health systems.
- Health services research, literature reviews, research reports, survey design, outcomes evaluation and statistical evaluation
- Practice Management Consulting
- Strategic Planning and Cost-effectiveness Consulting
- Healthcare Organizations & Institutions (private sector, hospitals, government, LTC facilities/management companies and not-for-profit health organizations/associations)
- Policy development
- Research and evaluation, literature searches and reports
- Clinical program development
- Health human resource management
The SPINEgroup Management & Consulting team is comprised of:
Healthcare Consultants
Policy Consultants
Clinical Researchers
Research Associates
Healthcare Law Specialist