Frequently Asked Questions on Spine Pain

A: Muscle or ligament sprain/strain and facet joint sprain due to minor injury or postural stress is the most common cause of spinal pain. Fortunately, most episodes of spinal sprain/strain are uncomplicated requiring only minimal therapy. However, more complex conditions cause spinal pain including from herniated discs, spondylolisthesis, failed back surgery and whiplash. These conditions require a more comprehensive clinical management strategy. For the over 60 age group degenerative changes in the discs and joints of the spine are often a source of pain potentially leading to spinal stenosis. Bone demineralization and fractures (osteoporosis) as well as spinal muscle de-conditioning are other common sources of pain.

A: A disc bulge may occur from disc settling that occurs with degenerative changes, or it can be related to thinning of the outer fibers of the disc, allowing the nucleus of the disc to “bulge”. A herniation occurs when the annulus fibers tear and the nucleus of the disc protrudes or leaks into the spinal canal or intervertebral foramen.
When the disc bulges or herniates, the torn ligament in the outer part of the disc can be a source of severe back pain – just like tearing a ligament in your ankle. The jellylike material inside the disc (nucleus) is forced out through the tiny tears or cracks in the annulus, which causes the disc to bulge, break open (rupture) or break into fragments. If the disc material herniates and seeps through the annulus, it can compress or irritate the delicate nerves as they pass by through the vertebral facets and cause pain and neurological deficits.

A: As changes in the disc occur, it loses water content and becomes thinner. Degeneration of the spinal disc may be associated with a bulge in the annulus. Bulging discs are typically asymptomatic. The majority of people over age 40 have disc bulging even if they do not have any pain. Disc herniations are typically associated with degenerative changes but can also occur without causing symptoms. These are usually smaller herniations without significant nerve or spinal cord compression.

A: Most spinal disc herniations are caused by an injury, with some element of weight bearing (loading) in conjunction with a forward bending and twisting maneuver of the spine. Some patients do not recall any one incident which may have torn their disc. In most cases, it is probable that an inherent weakness or small tears in the annulus of the disc may lead to the herniation over a longer period of time.

A: A disc herniation large enough to compress a spinal nerve root in the lumbar spine typically causes radiating leg pain through the buttock, thigh, leg and often into the foot. Numbness, tingling, and leg weakness may be common. Neurological tests may be positive for reduced reflexes and muscle strength. Many people with disc herniations do not have any symptoms, or they had minor back or leg pain but it went away over time.

Common Symptoms of Herniated Cervical

  • Arm muscle weakness
  • Deep pain near or over the shoulder blades on the affected side
  • Increased pain when bending the neck or turning head to the side
  • Neck pain, especially in the back and sides
  • Pain made worse with coughing, straining, or laughing
  • Pain radiating to the shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and rarely the hand, fingers or chest
  • Spasm of the neck muscles

Common Symptoms of Herniated Lumbar Discs

  • Muscle spasm
  • Muscle weakness or atrophy
  • Pain made worse with coughing, straining, or laughing
  • Pain radiating to the buttocks, legs, and feet
  • Low back pain
  • Tingling or numbness in legs or feet

A: A degenerative disc loses its normal water content and nutrients and hence experiences cellular death. This results in the disc’s decreased ability to serve as a compressible cushion between the vertebrae and instability in the spinal segment. Over time, the spine becomes stiffer due to changes in the vertebral body such as osteophyte formation, ligament rigidity and bony fusion of the joint.

A: Lumbar instability occurs when the spine loses its ability to maintain its vertebrae in normal alignment due to degenerative disc disease or fracture (spondylolisthesis). Instability causes pain from abnormally stressed facet joints and compressed or irritated nerve roots.

A: Any narrowing of the area normally occupied by nerves in the spine is called stenosis. Central stenosis occurs in the middle of the spinal canal, and foraminal stenosis occurs where the nerve roots exit the spine. Spinal stenosis is commonly caused by bone spurring (due to osteoarthritis), ligament rigidity or disc herniations and less commonly by spinal tumors, Paget’s disease and spinal dislocation/instability.

A: The disc is virtually an avascular structure (does not receive direct blood supply) with the exception of the peripheral ends. Under normal conditions the disc receives nutrients and fluid by a process known as imbibition through the vertebral end plates. This process relies on normal compressive forces on the spine and periods of rest and decompression. During the day, your body weight and other loads compress the discs, causing a loss of water and an increase in electrolyte concentration within the nucleus. At night, when you are lying down and the pressure is off the discs, the discs are rapidly rehydrated by diffusion. Your spine benefits from the cycle of activity during the day and rest during sleep at night and is capable of considerable regeneration through this natural process of imbibition.

A: Spinal decompression can be described as a progressive therapeutic stabilization system for the spine. Although spinal decompression may be used as a stand-alone intervention for selected cases of back pain, it is typically used in conjunction with other effective therapeutic interventions at SPINEgroup®. Manual and mechanical static traction have been used for years to treat musculoskeletal pain. Although traction is effective for some causes of spinal pain, the linear and static forces exerted on the spine often resulted in muscle spasms and worsening the condition. Spinal Decompression which is the new generation of intermittent traction devices provides the innovation needed to mimic the intricate nuances of the manual therapist’s hands resulting in a safe, comfortable, and fluid motion of unloading.

A: The clinical benefits of spinal decompression include unloading of the spinal segments to relieve pressure off nerve roots, mobili-zation,stretching of ligaments and tendons, decrease in muscle tone, increase in flexibility and increased blood flow and circulation. Its clinical benefit to the intervertebral disc is what makes spinal decompression unique. Unlike traditional traction, spinal decompression has the ability to mimic the natural process of imbibition- the process by which the disc receives nutrients and hydration. The mechanical action of pumping the disc at set intervals, allows your disc to absorb more water and nutrients and enable regeneration of cells and repair – increasing the thickness of the disc. There is limited clinical evidence that the negative pressure created by spinal decompression draws up herniated material which may interfere or irritate nerve roots. Negative pressures produced by spinal decompression have been measured to drop as low as -160 mmHG within the injured disc during the treatment session. This is compared to normal discal pressures of 100 mmHG while standing up right or 75 mmHg while sleeping during the night. Spinal decompression may also aid in strengthening the outer ligaments (annulus) which help to hold the nuclear material in place while enabling the disc to absorb more fluid and nutrients.

A: No. In fact, there are several contra-indications for spinal decompression. The use of spinal decompression therapy for back and neck pain due to fractures, osteoporosis, spondylolisthesis, joint instability, post surgical fusion (with instrumentation), spinal infections, tumours, malignancies or aneurysms is not recommended due to adverse risks and harmful consequences. It is always important that you receive a proper diagnosis prior to any treatment to ensure you are prescribed safe and effective care.

A: Oxygen therapy can be life-saving. However, oxygen is a drug and therefore should only be used when clinically indicated because it can have irreversible adverse effects. In fact, there are numerous side effects of unnecessary use of oxygen on lung tissue, eyes and brain.
Some potential negative effects on the central nervous system are:

  • muscle twitching and spasm
  • nausea and vomiting
  • dizziness
  • vision (tunnel vision) and hearing difficulties (tinnitus)
  • twitching of facial muscles
  • irritability, confusion and a sense of impending doom
  • trouble breathing, anxiety
  • unusual fatigue
  • incoordination
  • convulsion

Nonetheless, there is limited evidence that conservative low-flow oxygen therapy may be beneficial for some selected cases of migraine headaches. However, the research currently does not support the use of oxygen or ozone therapy for spinal pain as the adverse effects outweigh any potential positive outcomes.

A: “LASER” is an acronym that stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission or Radiation. In simple terms this refers to light waves of a specific wavelength – both artificial and sunlight usually consist of many different wavelengths of light scattering in all different directions. The clinical effects of LASER are numerous, including pain management, improved nerve function, inflammation reduction, faster wound healing (open wounds and burns), accelerated tendon, ligament and muscle healing, improved blood flow, increased cellular metabolic activity (particularly of blood cells), reduced formation of scar tissue, enhanced immune function.

A: Wellness Care is not aromatherapy, reflexology or inappropriate use of spinal manipulation. From an evidence standpoint, Wellness Care is a comprehensive management strategy which addresses the physical, psychological and social factors impacting the patient with the goal of active care. Research indicates that wellness care is core to the prevention and management of all chronic illness including cases of spinal disorders.

A: Prolotherapy is a method of injection treatment to stimulate healing. Commonly a solution of dextrose or saline is injected to ligaments and connective tissue initiating an injury response, and activating the inflammatory cascade. The inflammatory process initiates a rise in growth factor levels and provides the prime conditions to promote tissue repair or growth. Prolotherapy is not effective for all sources of back pain but may be beneficial for chronic pain caused by laxity of the spinal ligaments and some overuse or traumatic ligament injuries of the extremities.

A: No. While prolotherapy is the most invasive of the conservative approaches, it is certainly not the only method used to promote tissue proliferation or the most researched. The spinal disc and all ligaments are by and large avascular, meaning they do not receive blood supply which would normally assist in healing. They do, however, have the natural ability to repair itself through cell proliferation through physical and chemical stimulation. Many other approaches including acupuncture, laser therapy and mechanical stretching have been shown to increase the tensile strength and proliferation of ligaments and fibrous connective tissue, through loading, unloading, increased cellular metabolic activity and direct irritation.

A: The primary effect of these shockwaves is a direct mechanical force that occurs at a cellular level as the wave’s energy passes through tissue. These waves cause a controlled impact on the tissue being treated.  The result is a biological reaction within the cells of that tissue which causes an increase in blood circulation through the injured site, and triggers the body to accelerate its natural healing processes. Radial shockwave treatments increase the metabolic activity around the site of pain or discomfort. It stimulates the re-absorption of irritating calcium deposits in tendons, accelerates the body’s natural healing process, and reduces pain.

Research indicates that the mechanical stimulation produced by Shockwaves is capable of inducing positive reactive processes in the cellular structure of injured tissue. Radial Shockwave Therapy works without the need for drugs, stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal itself, and in some cases can even help eliminate the need for invasive surgery. Radial Shockwave Therapy can be used to effectively treat;

• Tendonopathy
• Heel Spurs / Fasciitis Plantaris
• Epicondylopathy radialis /Ulnaris
• Patellofemoral Syndrome /Achillodynia
• Myofascial Pain Syndromes
• Tibialis anterior Syndrome
• Impingement Syndrome
• Trigger Point Therapy
• Bursitis
• Osteoarthritis ( spine and joints)
• Shoulder Tendinitis
• Tendon calcifications


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Access to Secure Patient Portal

Current patients can now book appointments online in real time through our secure patient portal. MySPINEgroup Patient Portal is a free online tool that also allows you to access your health information securely from your personal device (phone, computer, tablet etc.).  Log on to any computer, from anywhere, at any time, to stay on top of your health information, including lab test results, booking and rescheduling appointments, complete questionnaires, view medication prescriptions, access your exercises, track your health and more.

To log on for the first time, you will need your “Portal Key” in order to register. (Your portal key needs to be sent to you via email or text from SPINEgroup). When registering please write your name exactly how it appears on your health card.  Once registered you will have your personal username and password to log in into your portal.

Privacy Policy

SPINEgroup® Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the collection, use and disclosure of Your Information in connection with Your Interaction with Dr. Connie D’Astolfo Chiropractic Professional Corporation trading as SPINEgroup® (“SPINEgroup®” or “We” or “Us”) in the course of providing Healthcare Services.

When engaging in any Interaction whether or not You have requested or received any of the Healthcare Services offered by Us, You consent to the collection, transfer, manipulation, storage, disclosure and other uses of Information as described in this Privacy Policy. We seek to minimize our collection and use of Information to what is needed for providing Healthcare Services.

Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the collection, use, management, disclosure and destruction of Your Information by Permitted Healthcare Personnel. Please note that Permitted Healthcare Personnel are subject to separate privacy legislation and professional and/or regulatory requirements in Ontario that govern the collection, use and management of Your Information in the course of providing Healthcare Services to You. Please contact the respective Permitted Healthcare Professional directly if You have any questions or concerns about their specific collection, use or management of Your Information in relation to the course of Your Healthcare Services.

This Privacy Policy is in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”), the federal privacy law for private-sector organizations. We will seek to ensure compliance with PIPEDA, as amended by the Digital Privacy Act (“DPA”), as may be applicable, as well as with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (“PHIPA”), where applicable. We are committed to complying with this Privacy Policy.


“Dependent” means any individual for whom You have the legal authority to make decisions regarding Healthcare.

“Healthcare” means any services or virtual services relating to the maintenance or improvement of an individual’s health to prevent, diagnose, treat, recover or cure such individual’s disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments.

“Healthcare Services” means the Healthcare services provided by Us via the Patient Platform, in-person, virtually or otherwise.

“Information” shall mean Personal Information and may include PHI as the circumstances may require.

“Interaction” means any contact between You and us (unless excluded herein) whether transmitted via the Patient Platform, facsimile, electronic correspondence, email, texts, verbally and/or in-person patient encounter.

“Personal Health Information” or “PHI” means identifying information, recorded in any form, about You, if the information relates to: (a) Your physical or mental health (including health history), (b) the provision of Healthcare to You (including the identification of a person as Your provider of Healthcare), (c) Your payments, eligibility or coverage for Healthcare, and/or (d) Your health number.

“Permitted Healthcare Personnel” means, in the Province of Ontario, (a) authorized physicians licensed to practice medicine in the Province of Ontario, (b) authorized regulated healthcare professionals licensed in the Province of Ontario to provide Healthcare Services, and/or (c) healthcare administrator staff employed or working for Us.

“Personal Information” means information, recorded in any form, about an identifiable individual which is not PHI being collected, created, compiled, used, disclosed by means of the Patient Platform, entered by Us or uploaded by You.

“Patient Platform” means, inter alia, the hardware, applications, websites including, portal and services owned and/or operated by Us but not third-party sites or software.

“You” or “Your” also refers to you on behalf of your Dependent(s), where applicable.

Collection of Personal Information

a) Any Interaction may result in our collection of Personal Information. We collect Personal Information directly from You, or indirectly from third party sources as otherwise permitted by applicable law.a) Log Data: Our servers may record certain information (“Log Data”) related to Your actions on the Patient Platform. Log Data may include information such as Your IP address, browser type, ISP, date/time stamps, the referring domain, and pages visited. Log Data may also be recorded by third parties.

b) Cookies: We may use “cookie” technology to collect any additional Patient Platform usage data and to improve our Healthcare Services. A cookie is a small data file that is transferred to Your computer’s hard disk. Most Internet browsers automatically accept cookies. You can instruct Your browser, by editing its options, to stop accepting cookies.

c) Submissions: Any information such as remarks, suggestions, questions, correspondence, comments, creative ideas, photos, graphics, or other information communicated to Us (collectively, called the “Submission”) shall be treated as non-confidential. You agree that You will not upload or transmit any Submission that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party in the world. Your Submission becomes the property of SPINEgroup and We shall be free to use the Submission on an unrestricted basis for any purpose whatsoever.

d) Third-party Services: We may use a variety of services hosted by third parties to help provide our Healthcare Services. These third-party services may collect information sent by Your browser as part of a web page request, such as cookies.

e) Links: The Patient Platform may contain links to third party websites. These links are not intended as an endorsement of or referral to the linked websites. Please review all third-party privacy policies for any site you browse or visit.

Permitted Healthcare Personnel may, create, compile or print Information such as treatment plans, prescriptions, and clinical notes in relation to any Interaction with You (collectively the “Patient Notes”) as necessary to provide Healthcare Services and to comply with applicable laws. While providing You with Healthcare Services, Permitted Healthcare Personnel may also collect additional Personal Information about You. Subject to Your withholding rights as noted below, Permitted Healthcare Personnel will have access to the Personal Information. Such Personal Information may include but is not limited to: details You provided, documents, Patient Notes created by others, and emergency contact information (please note that You are responsible for notifying Your emergency contact that You are providing their information to Us and for obtaining their consent).

Use of Your Information

When requesting Healthcare Services, You may be asked to provide Information regarding the Healthcare Services, Your medical history and applicable symptoms. Upon patient intake completion, We may disclose the identity of the Permitted Healthcare Professional to You. Afterwards, unless You have chosen to withhold access to any of Your Information to Us stored in the Patient Platform, the Permitted Healthcare Personnel assigned to You will be able to view such Information in order to provide Healthcare Services. Please note that in some circumstances, the withholding of Information may severely limit the Permitted Healthcare Personnel’s ability to provide You with Healthcare Services.

In addition to some of the specific uses of Personal Information we describe in this Privacy Policy, we may use or share such Personal Information to: (a) confirm Your eligibility to use the Patient Platform, or authenticate You when You log onto the Patient Platform, (b) if applicable, determine Your eligibility for Healthcare Services, (c) connect You to the appropriate Permitted Healthcare Professional, (d) establish, maintain and manage patient relations with You in order to provide Healthcare Services, (e) provide ongoing customer service to You, (f) facilitate payments for Healthcare Services, and (g) comply with meet any legal and regulatory requirements.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

Our use of Information is limited to the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, and We do not otherwise sell, rent, trade, barter, exchange or disclose for consideration any Information that we have obtained.

a) With Your Consent: We may share or disclose Your Information with Your consent. Consent can be either express (verbally, in writing or electronically) or implied, where permitted under applicable law. When You provide Your Information voluntarily or to a Permitted Healthcare Professional, You imply that You have consented to the collection, use and disclosure of such Information. You may change or withdraw Your/their consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions, if any, and reasonable notice, by contacting us at Please note that in some circumstances, a change in or withdrawal of consent may severely limit or prevent our ability to provide Healthcare Services.

b) Without Consent: Please note that there are circumstances where the use and/or disclosure of Your Information may be justified or permitted or where we are obliged to disclose information WITHOUT consent. Such circumstances may include, but are not limited to the following: (a) if we believe that it is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation or legal request, (b) to protect the safety of any person; (c) to address fraud, security or technical issues; or (d) to protect our rights or property.

c) Other Service Providers: We share Information with Permitted Healthcare Personnel, Your emergency contacts, our employees, and contractors and business partners, to the extent required for them to provide the Healthcare Services to You or for the purposes in this Privacy Policy. We engage certain trusted third parties to perform functions and provide services to us such as website hosting companies, payment processing companies and other third-party service providers. We may share Personal Information with these third parties, but only to the extent necessary.

d) Corporate Transfers: In the event that we are involved in a bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets, Your Information may be disclosed or transferred as part of that transaction. The promises and exceptions in this Privacy Policy will apply to Your Personal Information as transferred to the new entity.

e) Government: We may share Personal Information with government agencies and law enforcement officials, when required to do so to respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.

 Protection of Information and Disclaimer

We endeavor to maintain appropriate physical, procedural and technical security with respect to our offices and Information storage and recovery facilities so as to prevent any loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification of Information. We further protect Your Information and any financial or payment information by restricting its access to those employees and contractors who need to have knowledge of that Information in order for us to provide our Healthcare Services. While we endeavour to protect Your Information, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be absolutely secure, and we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any Information You transmit to us via email or via the Patient Platform or otherwise; any transmission to Us is at Your own risk.

By this Privacy Policy, We shall hereby notify patients of the potential risks, including privacy-related risks, associated with the Patient Platform, and to obtain Your express consent to receiving Healthcare Services, You are hereby notified that: (a) certain Healthcare Services may be made available through third-party platforms, (b) use of the Patient Platform or using unencrypted SPINEgroup email from You or to You or others on your behalf, may increase the risk of Your Information being unintentionally disclosed or intercepted by third parties, (c) while We will make reasonable efforts to protect the privacy and security of Your Information, it is not possible to completely secure electronic correspondence or email to third parties including Your legal representative(s) and therefore the security and confidentiality of Information and Healthcare Services cannot be guaranteed, (d) You agree to take steps to protect Your privacy when receiving Healthcare Services including confirming Your identity with Permitted Healthcare Personnel, (e) using Healthcare Services only from a private location, on Your own computer or device, and on a password-protected Wi-Fi network, (f) not recording the Healthcare Services, or any part thereof, (g) You agree that We may collect location data through the use of GPS technology and Your IP address where applicable, (h) You agree that Information may be used or disclosed as permitted or required by law including any risk of harm to an individual or a child is in need of protection under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017).

Privacy Policy Changes

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. The most current version of this Privacy Policy will govern the use of Information unless we notify You otherwise. Please check this page periodically for any updates. By continuing to access or use the Healthcare Services after those changes become effective, You agree to be bound by any revised Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If You have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding Your Information or our Privacy Policy, please contact us at: 1-905-850-7746

Terms of Use

Terms of Use and Conditions


By using this website (“Site”), you signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions of Use (“TOU”). If you do not agree to all of these TOU, do not use this site!

Dr. Connie D’Astolfo Chiropractic Professional Corporation (“DCDCPC”) may revise and update these TOU at any time. Your continued usage of this Site will mean you accept those TOU changes.

THE SITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. The contents of the Site, such as text, graphics, images, photos, trade-marks, information, data, logos, buttons, proprietary software icons, compilations (meaning the collection, arrangement and assembly), articles, forms, photos, blogs, updates, news, glossary, reviews, health tips, opinions and the collection, compilation and assembly thereof, overall look and distinctiveness and other material (collectively, the “Content”) contained on the Site are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your chiropractor, physician or other qualified primary health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Site!

If you think you may have a medical emergency, please call your family doctor or 911 immediately. DCDCPC does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by DCDCPC, employees, independent contractors or others appearing on the Site at the invitation of DCDCPC, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk. You are solely responsible for compliance with the laws applicable to your jurisdiction of residence. Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or treatment program. DCDCPC denies any responsibility or liability for any adverse consequences or damages resulting from reliance on the information contained in this Site.

Information is believed to be accurate at the time it was created. However, information or blogs may become outdated over time. Information on the Site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice. DCDCPC will use reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on the Site but makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. All Users agree that all access to and use of this Site is at their own risk.

Advertising and Marketing Statement. Please note that the use of words “expert” and “specialty” on all SPINEgroup ® advertising does not specifically apply to physiotherapists or registered massage therapists or others providing care at our clinic; however, use of such terms, under some circumstances, is not inconsistent with Section 2 of the College of Chiropractors of Ontario (“CCO”) Standard of Practice “S-016- Advertising” when it comes to the design, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based programs of care or specialty programs of individualized care of Dr. Connie D’Astolfo which may or may not involve physiotherapists, registered massage therapists or others providing care.

CHILDREN’S PRIVACY. We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. You should be aware that this Site is not intended or designed to attract children less than 16 years of age. We do not collect personally identifiable information from any person we actually know is a child under the age of 16.

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IP AND TRADE-MARK STATEMENT.The Content is the exclusive property of DCDCPC and are protected by Canadian and international copyright laws. Any unauthorized use of such Content without written permission of DCDCPC is prohibited. SPINEGROUP, SPINEgroup, ADVANCING PATIENT CARE and all other names, titles, logos, and SPINEGROUP designs identifying the goods, services and brands of DCDCPC including any derivative and related names, titles, logos and designs, are trade-marks and the sole property of DCDCPC in Canada and elsewhere. All other names, titles, logos and designs appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners.

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